Body sugaring post-

care do’s

✓ Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Undiluted urine can cause irritation to the area, so it’s best to keep it as diluted as possible

✓ Rinse off in the shower after any intense exercise within the first 24 hours to reduce the chance of any sebum making its way into your open hair follicles

✓ Apply a cool compress to the area to relieve any discomfort you may experience

✓ Exfoliate 2-3 times a week

✓ Book your next appointment within 4 - 6 weeks

✓ Text or call us with any questions you may have!


Body sugaring post-care don’ts

✗ Do not exfoliate until 24 hours after your appointment

✗ No touching, scratching or rubbing

✗ No picking at ingrown hairs, this will only worsen them

✗ Do not shave between appointments, this way we can be sure to remove every last hair in its active stage (also known as the anagen stage)

✗ No deodorant for 24 hours after treatment of underarms

✗ No tanning beds, direct sunlight, hot tubs, pools, or baths for 24 hours